
As part of my systems programming course, I completed a project that had us implement a dynamic memory allocation library in C. Our library would manage a given block of memory (a heap) with analogs of the standard library functions malloc, realloc, and free.

To make our implementation time-efficent (and for fun) I decided to implement a Red-Black Tree (RBT), which would be used as follows:

  • Each RBT node is the header of a block of memory (managed by a heap).
  • Nodes (i.e. blocks) that are in the tree are implicitly free, while those not in the tree are implicitly in use.
  • A heap’s RBT is sorted by block capacity.

With this setup, we can fulfill memory allocation requests by removing the smallest node of (at least) the requested size and returning a pointer to the start of its block. Blocks would likewise be freed by coalescing them with adjacent free blocks and adding them to the tree.

  • Note that we can reduce the amount of unused memory generated by allocation requests by cleaving excess memory off of the end of a removed node, forming it into a new node, and re-adding it to the tree.

RBT Implementation

Below is the header file for my Red-Black Tree implementation, which defines the interface. As mentioned below, the actual implementation was based on Professor Lyn Turbak’s “Red-Black Trees” handout, while RBT_pretty_print was based on an implementation written by VasyaNovikov (which was “inspired by the ‘tree’ command in linux”).

To see my full implementation and tests (which should run on either Mac OS X or Linux) check out the GitHub repository sfurman3 / red-black-tree-c.

// rbt.h                                                                    //
// rbt.h contains declarations of functions for creating and performing
// operations on Red-Black Trees as well as a definition of the RBT data type.
// It is based on Professor Lyn Turbak's "Red-Black Trees" handout, containing
// specifications for RBT's and their operations, which can be found at the
// following link:
// http://cs.wellesley.edu/~cs231/spring01/red-black.pdf

// The implementation of RBT_pretty_print is based heavily on that of
// "VasyaNovikov" at the following link:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4965335/how-to-print-binary-tree-diagram

// Conditional Compilation:
// To enable, compile with "-D flag_name".
//   - ALLOC_TRACK      (mildly slows performance)
//     + Enable the RBT_num_nodes() function.
//   - REP_OK           (severely slows performance)
//     + Apply an internal representation invariant check to every RBT argument
//       and return value (at runtime). Raises SIGABRT if violated.

#ifndef RBT_H
#define RBT_H

#include <stdbool.h>

#define RED   1 // The RED color for an RBT node.
#define BLACK 0 // The BLACK color for an RBT node.

// A leaf node. Leaf nodes are NULL pointers and are, by definition, BLACK.

// Red-Black Tree data type.
// Every RBT node has a data block for dynamically allocating memory.
typedef struct RBT {
    struct RBT *left;  // pointer to the left child
    struct RBT *right; // pointer to the right child
    struct RBT *next;  // pointer to the next node with the same capacity
    unsigned int capacity  : 30; // number of bytes in the block (excluding the header)
    unsigned int prev_dist : 30; // distance (in bytes) to the previous header
    unsigned int in_use    :  1; // usage status of a block
    unsigned int color     :  2; // color of the RBT node (RED / BLACK)
}__attribute__((packed)) *RBT;

// RBT_new returns a new RBT with the given `root` and initialized with
// `capacity` (and no children).
// This is equivalent to RBT_add(NULL, root, capacity).
RBT RBT_new(RBT root, unsigned int capacity);

// RBT_add inserts a new RBT node (pointed to by `node`) into RBT `root` and
// initializes it with the given capacity. All other fields in `node` are
// initialized to 0, NULL, or false (except for color, which should not be
// modified). The returned RBT points to the new root (which may or may not be
// the original root). If `root` is NULL, then it is treated as an empty tree,
// and `node` is the new root. If `node` is NULL, then `root` is returned.
// NOTE: Because all fields are initialized to 0, any existing field values in
// `node` are overwritten. For this reason, before calling RBT_add, ALWAYS SAVE
// any value that should be preserved. Then reassign it to `node->...`.
// NOTE: to avoid memory leaks ALWAYS assign the result to the provided root.
//   e.g. tree = RBT_add(tree, ...);
RBT RBT_add(RBT root, RBT node, unsigned int capacity);

// RBT_remove_at_least removes the smallest RBT node whose capacity is at least
// that requested, storing a pointer to it in the variable `removed`. The
// returned RBT points to the new root. If no such node exists, then the
// original root is returned and a NULL pointer is stored in `removed`. If the
// `removed` argument is NULL then the original root is returned (without
// modifying the tree).
// NOTE: to avoid memory leaks ALWAYS assign the result to the provided root.
//   e.g. tree = RBT_remove_at_least(tree, ..., ...);
// NOTE: the returned root is NULL if a node is removed from a singleton RBT.
RBT RBT_remove_at_least(RBT root, unsigned int capacity, RBT *removed);

// RBT_remove_node removes the given node from the RBT with the given root and
// stores it in the RBT variable `removed`. The new root is returned. If `node`
// cannot be found in the tree, then the original root is returned and a NULL
// pointer is stored in `removed`.
// If `removed` is NULL, `root` is returned.
// If `node` is NULL, `root` is returned and `removed` is set to NULL.
// NOTE: to avoid memory leaks ALWAYS assign the result to the provided root.
//   e.g. tree = RBT_remove_node(tree, ..., ..., ...);
RBT RBT_remove_node(RBT root, RBT node, RBT *removed);

// RBT_height returns the height of the RBT.
// Tree height is defined as the *length* of the longest path from the root to
// any non-leaf node. This is the same as the number of non-root, non-leaf
// nodes on this path.
// NOTE: "Leaf" nodes are NULL pointers (see BLACK_LEAF above).
int RBT_height(RBT root);

// RBT_black_height returns the black-height of the RBT.
// Black-height is defined as the number of black nodes from a given node
// down to any descendant leaf (not including the initial node but including
// leaves).
// NOTE: "Leaf" nodes are NULL pointers (see BLACK_LEAF above).
int RBT_black_height(RBT root);

// RBT_print_node prints an RBT node and its metadata.
void RBT_print_node(RBT root);

// RBT_list_print prints all values in the linked list within an RBT node.
void RBT_list_print(RBT head);

// RBT_in_order_print prints all values in an RBT in order (including
// duplicates).
void RBT_in_order_print(RBT root);

// RBT_pretty_print prints a "pretty" representation of an RBT.
// The output has the same format as the "tree" command line program.
void RBT_pretty_print(RBT root);

// Returns the number of nodes currently allocated (when compiled with -D
// ALLOC_TRACK). Returns 0 otherwise.
unsigned int RBT_num_nodes();

// Functions for use with malloc, calloc, etc.                              //
// The following functions are for freeing RBTs that were allocated completely
// using standard library dynamic allocators and whose blocks can thus be freed
// with calls to free. Behavior is undefined if the nodes were either not
// allocated with one such allocator or if the nodes were already freed.

// Free all RBTs in a linked list of RBTs starting with `head`.
// Assumes `head` and all subsequent RBTs in the list have no children.
void RBT_free_list(RBT head);

// Free all nodes in a RBT with the given root, including it's children and any
// linked-lists within each node.
void RBT_free(RBT root);

#endif /* RBT_H */

VasyaNovikov's tree pretty-printing implementation

Output example

└── z
    ├── c
    │   ├── a
    │   └── b
    ├── d
    ├── e
    │   └── asdf
    └── f

Code -- Java

public class TreeNode {

    final String name;
    final List<TreeNode> children;

    public TreeNode(String name, List<TreeNode> children) {
        this.name = name;
        this.children = children;

    public void print() {
        print("", true);

    private void print(String prefix, boolean isTail) {
        System.out.println(prefix + (isTail ? "└── " : "├── ") + name);
        for (int i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i++) {
            children.get(i).print(prefix + (isTail ? "    " : "│   "), false);
        if (children.size() > 0) {
            children.get(children.size() - 1)
                    .print(prefix + (isTail ?"    " : "│   "), true);